
My Personal Regimen

If you read my last post, you might well wonder, who does this guy think he is to post about lifestyle, he's obviously an obese, aging, crock with problems!  Well I guess that is partly true, but its not the whole story. Take the weight issue, yes I am very overweight and it is something that I have struggled with for years now, but since I have started working seriously on changing my lifestyle I have managed to loose over a stone and half, and my weight is still dropping.  Indeed, I have managed to do this without any real struggle, and though I will no doubt tweak my current diet as I learn more, it is one that I could happily stick to for the rest of my life. I am also seeing improvements in several other areas of my file, including health and general well-being. So in this post I am just going to lay out the regime I follow, without much in the way of explanation, and in subsequent posts I will discuss the details of why I have chosen its various components. Starting with diet

Getting Started

I am now 60 but I do not feel old in myself, on the contrary I am still learning and developing and I am far from ready (as Yates put it) to go gentle into that good night.  I still have much to do, but unless I take some radical measures I am not going to have the health and time to do it all.  Psychologically I might still feel fit and able, but physically, well I am accumulating the health problems associated with age: I am very overweight, 21 Stone 4 pounds (135.28 kg or 298.25 lb)  at this morning's weigh in, I have lost a few teeth, I need reading glasses, I am asthmatic, I have had a heart op. (successful) to stop me going into atrial fibrillation, I have psoriasis and my blood pressure and cholesterol have been creeping up recently.  I am not totally decrepit by any means, but if I don't do something now it is obvious that I am going to face a lot more serious problems down the line. So I have been working on changing my lifestyle with five primary objectives in mind: H